Who is Nusaned?
Nusaned operates as a humanitarian organization, deeply integrated within communities
and powered by volunteers. They believe in the potency of collaborative efforts to effect
They abstain from engaging in political endeavors and maintain an impartial stance towards
all religious affiliations. Their approach to supporting communities is founded upon a fair,
unbiased, and value-centric assessment of their needs.
Their vision is to empower the marginalized Lebanese communities,
throughout Lebanon, to live sustainably.
Their mission is to support under-served Lebanese communities to become self-sustaining
by offering access to food security, building shelter and providing ongoing opportunities for
productive economies. We do this through innovative and effective partnerships with
communities as well as locally engaged, international organizations and donors.
Feminist in Action (FIA), a Livelihood project funded by Care International, aims to address
the limited access to financial and technical support faced by disadvantaged families. The
project endeavors to empower 45 women from vulnerable communities by providing
vocational training in electrical repairs, carpentry, and painting, followed by
entrepreneurship skills training. Additionally, participants receive awareness sessions on
gender-based violence (GBV) and protection measures. Over a 6-month period, the project
divides the trainees into 3 groups, each undergoing tailored training sessions covering
vocational skills, mental health awareness, First Aid, and entrepreneurship and marketing